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First Solar Steam Boiler Recognized as Safe
Ausra creates a solar steam boiler that receives the ASME "S" certifcation.

Ausra received an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) "S" certification after showing that is solar steam boiler has been built and operates within ASME Boiler adn Pressure Vessle Code. As of now, Ausra is the only company in the world to hold this certification.

The "S" stamp is recognized by over 100 countries as exceding government safety regulations. Since Ausra is the only company to hold the "S" certification, it is the only company that has rights to install solar steam boilers to produce electricity, giving it an extreme market edge on its competition.

Solar steam boilers are boasted to be 2-3 times more efficient than photovoltaic solar systems. This means that more electricity is captured for every ray of sunlight striking the roof. Solar thermal systems capture more than 50% of sunlight whereas photovoltaic captures 10-20% (eco heat solutions). In addition, it contains all of the features of photovoltaic solar systems - clean, scaleable, and consistent. The system uses water instead of oil, which is common in liquid solar electricity producers. This reduces the environmental impact of the Ausra solar thermal boiler to almost nothing. And with prices in competition with todays' fossil fuels, this is the ideal time to begin building solar thermal boilers.